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Cataract operations at Martha Eye Clinic, Yei

In March, a specialist Eye team from Juba were in Yei for a week of cataract surgery. They treated a total of 315 patients, including 101 cataract operations.  “I can now see my daughter,” said one elderly patient.  Thank you to the church congregation in Bristol UK who funded this amazing cataract camp.

Team to visit South Sudan in September

A team from Bristol will visit the Diocese of Yei this September.  They plan to visit the Martha Clinic, the National Health Training Institute, several primary schools and the Bishop Allison Theological College. The team will fly to the capital, Juba, and then fly on to Yei with the Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF).

New emphasis on teacher training

The Brickworks has responded to a request from the Diocese of Yei to train more teachers. This year we have sponsored 16 teachers to train at the Yei Teacher Training College and four at the KajoKeji Christian College.

Safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults

The Brickworks treats very seriously any abuse of children, young people or vulnerable adults.  It has adopted a zero tolerance policy.  If you know of or suspect any inappropriate behaviour by an adult in one of our projects, please report this to our independent safeguarding adviser by email to: .  Thank you.